Buzz to the Rescue
Interactive Game Website, 2022
Buzz to the Rescue is an interactive website that features three games utilizing the p5play editing tool. This website explores a world where famous Toy Story character, Buzz Lightyear has to save the aliens who are also considered Guardians of Fun due to their wholesome and lighthearted nature. Zurg, Lightyear’s infamous nemesis wants to rid the world of fun by kidnapping all of the aliens and it’s up to Buzz and the user to play the games and save all the aliens. Each game is different and utilizes different functions within the p5play lexicon in order to provide users with an enjoyable and nostalgic experience via original and reproduced assets from the Toy Story franchise. Buzz to the Rescue is inspired by the designer’s childhood and emphasizes the importance of fun in the whole galaxy.
Joy Inside & Out
Interactive Website, 2022
Joy Inside & Out is an interactive website that explores the differences between physical and emotional aspects of being inside or outside through the use of JavaScript. The user is able to control the settings within the website through specific interactions such as clicks or swipes. These interactions explore a new fascination with finding happiness indoors and outdoors. Inspired by the designer’s own experiences during the pandemic lockdown, Joy Inside & Out takes you through what brought the designer joy inside and outside by utilizing personally inspired color palettes and illustrations of their personal environments.
CSS Zen Garden Challenge
CSS Website, 2021
The CSS Zen Garden Challenge is a challenge prompting the creation of an original webpage using only Cascading Style Sheets to influence the aesthetics. I chose to create a digital movie poster for one of my favorite movies, Back to the Future. Through CSS, I created a gradient background and included the iconic film image of Marty McFly. I also created digital wireframes utilizing Adobe XD to guide my design process taking into account user accessibility and color contrast.
Making A Latte
Video/Sound Design, 2022
Making A Latte is a short video about my coffee-making routine. I wanted to use this opportunity to gain experience using Adobe Premiere Pro and learn the fundamentals of the program, so in the production of this short video I experimented with transitions, color correcting, and sound mixing. 
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